There are two you can choose from :
Anytime Delivery Pass entitles you to any one free delivery per day, 7 days per week when you spend £40 or more. This pass costs £60 for 12 months, £35 for 6 months or £20 for 3 months.
Midweek Delivery Pass entitles you to any one free delivery per day on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays when you spend £40 or more. Any deliveries outside of these times will be charged at the delivery rate as advertised on our website. This pass costs £30 for a 12 months, £18 for a 6 months or £10 for 3 months.
Please note, your Delivery Pass can only be used for Synco Online Groceries, and not any Non-Food orders.
See below for more information, or visit our Delivery Pass website to sign up today.